Tag Archives: yogurt

This Week’s Nutrition Tidbit: Probiotics



For many people who are sick, they want antibiotics as soon as possible. Very willingly, doctors give you these pills and you’re back to normal.  I have a bit of a problem with the previously mentioned scenario (which happens way too often.)  You are probably sick because your immune system is compromised and unable to fight as it should.  Stress, lack of sleep && diet are a few reasons why your immune system has weakened.
I do have an issue with how readily we use antibodies considering their role. They are used to inhibit and kill bacteria and germs that have invaded your body and compromised your health. okay so what’s my problem? Very often, antibodies kill ALL bacteria and your body has an abundance of good bacteria which balances the bad. With an unbalanced amount of one, there can be more problems in your body and this is when you get ill.
What are probiotics? They are live, GOOD, bacteria.
What are some health benefits? Plays a large role in the immune system, by protecting us against germs.  Helps keep a healthy balance in the digestive track by filtering out harmful toxins, bacteria and waste. Also, they help absorb nutrients from food and deliver to their designated and needed locations/organs.
What happens when probiotics aren’t present in our body? Our immune system and health really suffer. Infections, allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases (when the body attacks itself) are increased.  You also have more digestive troubles.